We develop scenic and pedagogical creations
for children, teenagers, adults and the elderly.
Titis Tour
Two old friends sail the world in a magical bathtub. Embarked on their own dreams, they take a break for a bath, which turns into a tour of unlikely choreographies. In their bags and in their memories, these eccentric women carry small, great treasures, which magically reveal themselves. Between one cup of tea and another, their bodies rejuvenate in the eyes of the public, who are constantly invited to participate in this sensorial journey.
The show was created in 2022, with choreographic and creative guidance by Denise Namura and Michael Bugdahn, from the prestigious French dance company 'cie. À Fleur de Peau'.
Genre: Clowning, dance e magic
Public: all ages
Duration: 45-50' full show / 15-20' short version
Support: ProAC 04/2021 – da Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Governo do Estado de São Paulo

26 set – Festival Dança e Movimento, Ilhabela/SP - Brasil
27 abr - Escola de Castelhanos, Ilhabela/SP - Brasil
05 mar - SESC Itaquera, São Paulo/SP - Brasil
26 jan - Maratona Cultural, Florianópolis/SC - Brasil
16 dez – Praça do Caiçara, Caraguatatuba/SP - Brasil
11 dez – Sarau Toda Arte, Ilhabela/SP - Brasil
11 dez – Casa de Cultura, São Sebastião/SP - Brasil
04 dez – Festival Dança e Movimento, Ilhabela/SP - Brasil
01 dez – Melhor Idade, Ilhabela/SP - Brasil
30 nov – CIAPI, Caraguatatuba/SP – Brasil
25 nov – Lar Vicentino, São Sebastião/SP - Brasil
06 nov – Citronela Doc, Ilhabela/SP - Brasil
28 set – Nuit des Musées, Lausanne - Suíça
23 set – Equinócio – Alpinum, Courchevel - França
20 ago – KleinKunst StädtliFest, Weesen - Suíça
14 ago – Strassenspektakel, Wangen an der Aare - Suíça
06 ago – La Volga, Saint Fargeol - França
20-24 jul – Chalon das la Rue OFF, Chalon Sur Saône - França
8-18 jul – Festival de Avignon OFF OFF, Avignon - França
25 jun – Solstício – Kim, Grenoble – França
12 jun – Circo Navegador, São Sebastião/SP - Brasil
10 jun – Sítio Santa Seiva, Ilhabela/SP - Brasil
06 jun – Sarau Livre, Ilhabela/SP - Brasil
26 abr - MetaVerso, Patrimônio da Penha/ES - Brasil
24 abr – ESim Contato, Cachoeiro do Itapemirim/ES - Brasil
18 abr – Mucína, Campinas/SP – Brasil
Comic magic show. An eccentric and captivating clown waits for a magician's show to begin. Curious, she goes through his suitcase, finds a bottle, drinks the mixture inside and magically... becomes the protagonist! It presents magic and dance numbers filled with comedy.
In Magavilha, the main role is played by a woman. She is not the magician's assistant, the traditional female figure in the universe of magic and illusionism. In Magavilha, the protagonist is someone who leaves the audience: a spectator who went to watch the show and becomes the main attraction. This role reversal stimulates the audience's critical thinking, offering the possibility of visualizing and considering a transformation of gender patterns and hierarchies.
Genre: Clowning, dance e magic
Public: all ages
Duration: 45' full show / 15-20' short version
Support: ProAC 08/2022 – da Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Governo do Estado de São Paulo

Foto: Victor Peixe

Foto: Victor Peixe

Foto: Victor Peixe

Foto: Victor Peixe
Circulação por 8 cidades do interior do estado de São Paulo
Zürcher Theatre Spektakel, Zurique/Suíça
Spazio Seme, Arezzo/Itália
Praça de Xique Xique de Igatu/BA
Teatro Municipal de Araras/SP
11° Festival Paulista de Circo, Piracicaba/SP
Espaço Cultural Pés no Chão, Ilhabela/SP
Circo Navegador, São Sebastião/SP
Associação Beira Mar, Gamboa/SC
Praça de Xique Xique de Igatu/BA
Circuito Cultural Paulista em oito cidades do interior de São Paulo
Circo Navegador São Sebastião/SP
1° Festival de Inverno de Joanópolis/SP
Sesc Boulevard e Casarão dos Bonecos em Belém do Pará/PA
19° Festival Dança e Movimento - Ilhabela/SP
Se essa Rua Fosse Minha - Itaú Cultural, São Paulo/SP
Festa da Tainha, Ilhabela/SP
SESC Santo Amaro - São Paulo/SP
Shopping Atlântico, Balneário Comburiu/SC
Projeto Contem Cultura do Instituto Caracol, Navegantes/SC
Espaço Arte e Memória, Xique Xique do Igatu/BA
Ciranda da Paz; Areia Branca do Mosqueiro; Brincalendo do Instituto Brasil Leitor Aracaju/SE
Barra dos Coqueiros; Rosário do Catete; Dia de Todas as Crianças, Sergipe
Parque da Cidade, Aracaju/SE
Brincando com Arte, Projeto Caravana da Esperança - Brasil
SESC Sergipe
Centro Cultural Casa das Máquinas e Namaha, Florianópolis/SC
Pés no Chão, Ponto de Cultura, Ilhabela/SP
Asilo Nossa Senhora das Mercedes, São Caetano/SP
Projeto Brincar com Arte em diversos SESCs
I Festival de Teatro Sergipano/SE
Fórum da Juventude Ginásio Constancio Vieira/SE
II Encontro Cultural , Igreja do Povoado de Aguada/SE

2024 Oregon Country Fair, USA
2023/’22/’18/’09 Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Switzerland
2023 Floating Castle, Slovenia
2023 College of the Extraordinary Experiences, Poland
2022 Moulins Sunday Market, France
2022 Chalon dans la Rue, France
2009 Fira Tárrega, Spain
2009 Buskers Basel, Switzerland
Petit Cabaret
Drink a memory, eat a moment, choose a mystery…
in the Petit Cabaret, a magic venue.
Sit with your hostess and her extraordinary menu, where each dish is an invitation into an unexpected and profound experience. Set within a cozy, transparent room, the Petit Cabaret is a personalized and interactive performance for just one person at a time.
Gender: Interactivity, installation, performance
Público: 7 and up
Duração: ~15min each "client"
Madame Nuage
Seeing drawings in a cloud is an ancestral poetic exercise. Madame Nuage offers passers-by the opportunity to produce drawings on her skirt, in a public exercise in expressing imagination. With chalk in one hand and eraserin the other, the dreamlike living statue stands out in the crowd, attracting especially children, who happily indulge in this ephemeral creative encounter.
Public: all ages
Duration: up to 4 hours straight

Foto: Mateus Batista

Foto: Mateus Batista

Foto: Mateus Batista

Foto: Mateus Batista
2021 Marché de Morges - Switzerland
2021 Sarlat la Canéda - France